Oil provides fuel for heat and lighting, lubricants for machinery, and raw material for a number of manufacturing industries.

Oil is the main source of industrial energy. Diesel and gasoline are used in gas turbines to produce electricity.

Heavier oils are used in central heating plants for shops, offices and homes.

Oil is also used to produce electricity for industrial and domestic use. Lighter grades of oil, such as “kerosene,” are still used for domestic purposes.

Lubricants are very useful for all types of machines, especially for machines used in transportation and industries.

All types of lubricants and greases are produced from petroleum. Vehicles of all types and the wide range of sophisticated machinery in use in factories and offices rely on lubricants and grind to the stop if they were not available.

Crude oil is a mixture of carbon, hydrogen, impurities and few other components, the refining process separates several fractions of hydrocarbons and several by-products have been produced.

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